Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fu Lin Chinese Restaraunt Review

Man this place is the only good place to eat ramen noodle soup I know, except that the noodles are too thick and taste like eggs and the soup is not salty enough. Maybe they should add more msg and fix the rickity tables. The pot stickers are really good though. Also the chopsticks are the best because they're not wood, they're the plastic kinds. One time I said no bean sprouts but they still gave me bean sprouts. In fact that happened almost every time I went there, probably cause they are really busy all the time. Great but not the best place to eat Chinese food. Oh, and don't go in their bathroom it smells. PF Changs is the best even though I never went there before. 4 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

meliindaa. said...

ahhahaahahhaah this is my favorite blog post!